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Sarangapani Temple in Kumbakonam

Dedicated to Lord Vishnu, it derives its name from the Sanskrit words Sarangam which mean ‘Bow of Vishnu’ and ‘Pani’ meaning hand. Being the tallest temple tower in Asia with 12 story Gopura of 150 feet, this is one of the top religious sites built by the Nayak Kings in the 16th century.

The central shrine of the temple is in the form of a chariot in heaven drawn by horses and elephants. The deity is shown in a posture as if he is getting up from a reclining position. The temple boasts of 5 prakaras and a holy tank which is known as Porthamarai Kulam. It is considered that Goddess Lakshmi arrived here from the Potramarai tank with thousand lotuses.

The chariot festival held in the spring season is an important festival of this temple. Sarangapani Temple is the biggest Vishnu temple in Kumbakonam and third of the 108 Divya Desams.

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